
There are SO many reasons why I want to build my own tiny house on wheels:

It’s custom. You can’t beat that. This house will be exactly what I want and like because I will have designed and built it. I can have a window seat to curl up in, read books, watch movies, and gaze out the window. I’ll have have a loft with a skylight so the sky and the rain will be only inches away. I’ll have room for a big bed, unlike in a dorm. I’ll have a custom built closet. I’ll have my own kitchen – that’s one thing I’m impatient for; my very own kitchen to fill with beautiful plates and glassware and only food that I like.

I won’t be wasting money on rent. Instead of paying rent for a place I’ll never own and can’t change, the tiny house will be my home for as long as I want, and again, it’s custom. Even if I end up paying rent for the land I park on, that’s okay, because I don’t expect life to be free and I’ll have a beautiful house.

I can take it with me. I’m only 18, so I’m not ready to settle down yet, and I haven’t chosen a university. A tiny house on wheels means that I don’t have to pick a place just yet, and when I change my mind, I don’t have to leave a home I love and have settled into.

No mortgage. House prices are astronomical, not to mention interest! I could OWN my house in just a few years.

It will suit me. I don’t need a ton of space. When I’m at home, I’m generally curled up with my computer or a book, or I’m in the kitchen or bathroom. After discovering the tiny house movement, it strikes me how weird it is that at any one time, at least TEN rooms in the house are empty. And that’s when the four of us are all in separate rooms. If we’re all in one room, that means that thirteen rooms are empty!

I’ll have to be conscious of what I own and what I buy. I’m an impulsive spender, and I have a lot of stuff I don’t use. I’m actually looking forward to getting rid of things when the time comes to move into the tiny house. I’ll have what I love and use, and nothing unnecessary will clutter my life. My life will be simpler and I’ll save money. I like the idea of getting rid of something whenever I buy something, but I haven’t put it into practice yet because I have plenty of space. In the tiny house, I won’t have extra space to fill with unused junk.

Cheaper utilities. I haven’t decided on a heat source yet, but I won’t have to pay to heat 13 empty rooms or anything. I do plan to be more careful about how much water I use as well. I love long hot showers, but they use so much water and I don’t need them. I’ll have energy efficient lights and appliances too.

Incentive to go out more often. Since tiny houses are so small, they force you to venture outside. I have the bad habit of staying inside all the time, but I want take more time to enjoy nature. Socializing falls under this category too. I don’t want to spend all my time alone at home, so when I get a little claustrophobic, going out with friends to a restaurant or an event is a great solution.

Money for quality materials and time for details. I’ll be able to afford beautiful wood flooring because there won’t be a lot of it. I can put love and care and creativity into every nook of my home because there aren’t an infinite number of little corners.

The experience. I’m stubborn about being self-sufficient. I don’t want to be lacking any life skills. With my tiny house, I’ll learn how to build something for myself. I’ll be able to fix my own plumbing and make my own shelves. Maybe I’ll learn to sew so I can make my own curtains and pillowcases. I’ll have my own kitchen to experiment in and I’ll learn how to make more than toast, KD, and rice. I want to be capable. However, I’m not afraid to ask for help. I’m happy to be taught. I want my family and friends to have a hand in creating my home. This could be the biggest project of my life, so I look forward to all the experiences it will bring.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. elainelwalker
    Jun 08, 2014 @ 07:42:38

    Beautifully said! Best wishes to you on your tiny house journey!


  2. Megan
    Jun 12, 2014 @ 23:39:55

    Hi Natalie,
    I stumbled upon your blog yesterday and it really resonated with me. Obviously it’s just in its inception (mine isn’t even that far along), but it’s interesting and well written. I particularly liked your “Perspective” post, as I can totally relate. Ever since I seriously decided to attempt a Tiny House build of my own, I’ve been tied to the tape measure and “Tiny House” blogs. I’ve got pages and pages of scribbles and sketches, and driving down the road has taken on a whole new life (who knew there were so many different styles of metal roofs and would my tiny house fit on that lot?).
    I’m in Ontario (London to be exact, though hoping to relocate), so I imagine, I’ll have much of the same criteria as you when it comes to designing and building a tiny house in Canada, the biggest being making it comfortable/live-able all year round. I plan on following your progress (tips and tricks), so keep up the good work!


    • natalienovascotia
      Jun 12, 2014 @ 23:50:47

      Thanks for commenting! It’s great to get feedback, especially when it’s positive 🙂
      Haha, I totally understand. I see so many big empty spaces while I’m driving and think, “My tiny house would fit there, and there, and there.”
      My biggest concern right now is water out in the winter. I really don’t want to have to shower at the gym or a friend’s.
      Let me know if/when you have a blog or site so I can follow your progress too!


  3. Megan
    Jun 24, 2014 @ 19:09:36

    Hey Natalie,
    I’m working on getting my blog up and running (maybe another week or so). Once it’s up, would you mind if a put a link to your blog on my blogroll?


  4. Tuesday
    May 17, 2017 @ 20:09:49

    I think you hit on something that’s pretty un0vsreal&#823i;it’s no huge effort to sew on a button, yet it’s so easy to put the project off. I’m fully capable of putting one on, but I (embarrassingly) admit that I’ve had several items out of commission for a long time because of a missing button… The life of a busy mom. : )


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"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult." - Seneca

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris