
I’ve been on Pinterest again, and there are so many lovely ideas out there!

My TH (tiny house) board has grown since I last posted about it. I don’t plan on using every idea on there and some won’t work for what I have in mind for my house, but I enjoy looking through all the cool spaces people have created.

I would like to share some of the reoccurring pins that will probably make it into my house. But nothing’s set in stone yet!

A sliding door is probably the most repeated pin. I plan to build a sliding door for the bathroom with a mirror on the outside. I might buy hardware, but some people do make their own. I could do a pocket door, but it might be easier to do a sliding door rather than build a complicated wall. Besides, the door will slide in between a closet and the shower so it won’t be seen anyway.
I want a sink in the bathroom for sure, but just a teeny tiny one with a little bit of storage underneath.
My bathroom mirror above the sink will definitely have storage behind it.
A bathtub in the tiny house would be nice and they make some cute ones, but I only take baths maybe once or twice a year, so it’s not worth the square footage to me.
I’m going to have a cabinet on the wall in the bathroom, and I might build a little storage cubby into the wall beside the toilet for toilet paper or something. That’s pretty much the only wall that I can build anything into because the rest will be filled with insulation.

I want a well-lit kitchen, especially over the work spaces. I can’t stand it when the only light is overhead and standing at the counter blocks the light from what you’re doing.
I’d like to have some open shelving in the kitchen.
I’ve decided to go without a dishwasher. It’s not worth the space or the plumbing, but I will have to get into the habit of keeping the dishes washed.
I plan to have a very organized kitchen, with plenty of shelves so I never have to lift one kind of plate to get the kind below it.
I want storage in the toe-kicks!
I prefer roll-out shelves rather than normal cabinets because they make it easier to access everything.
I try to pin a lot of appliance options for me to look at later.
There are some really cool drawers that you can add to the bottom of your fridge shelves for extra storage, and I’d love to have those.
I like alternative utensil storage ideas, because I probably won’t have an entire drawer to devote to just forks, spoons, and knives.
I also love storage hacks for under the sink that keep everything tidy.
A functional garbage and recycling system is important with all the different bins we use (garbage, paper, plastic, refundable, and compost).

In the loft and the window seat, I want to have some warm lighting, possibly string twinkle lights, as well as sheer white curtains.
The clothes closets will have drawers for sure; I’m not one to hang all my clothes.
I love some of the raw-edge wood pieces I’ve seen, and using wood in interesting ways like using the ends of 2x4s for flooring (although I probably won’t do that).
I still have to decide how I’m going to trim the windows inside the house and whether I’ll paint them. I do want wide window sills for knick-knacks though.
I’m definitely going to have a fold-down table, and probably some folding chairs and smaller folding tables. I want flexibility in the main room.
I need to find a solution for a TV screen. I planned to only use my computer, but my boyfriend wants a bigger screen. Maybe we’ll do a pull down screen, or something wall-mounted that can be seen from different parts of the house.

I love little hidden storage ideas, like keys behind picture frames. I can build storage almost anywhere! There’s also an awesome device storage system the hangs on the wall and is only 5cm deep, meant for phones and laptops.
I want little tiny shelves to make use of wasted space.
I want to do something interesting with the light switches, and I haven’t decided what kind I want yet.
I might want to do a wall mural or an interesting design on the floor (although that will come later).
I want some awesome backsplashes that maybe aren’t tile.
I’ve also looked at different options for fold-out beds in case I do have someone over to stay the night.
I want to build storage into the floor on either side of the bed.

I love little touches of creativity and colour that make a home unique.
I love coloured glassware and intend to have a colourful house. 🙂

I can’t wait to work on the fun little things, and even though I’ve got a long way to go, it’s good to keep imagining the final, beautiful product to keep me going.

Shout-Out to Some Tiny Housers

I recently added a few more links to my blog roll. I’ve been following a few newer tiny housers for quite a while now and finally got around to adding their links.

Check out Tiny Nest, a couple filming an awesomely detailed video series; Room to Spare, a tiny house with a blue roof in Las Vegas; and Tiny Portland, a build that reminds me that other tiny housers are going through the ups and downs of building too!

Along with checking those builds regularly, I’m constantly stumbling across pictures of gorgeous tiny houses and bookmarking them. It’s been a while since I posted some of my bookmarks, so here are a few of the links I’ve saved to my “Inspiration” folder. Some of them are articles, some are Canadian, and all of them are unique. That’s what makes them so interesting!

Tiny House in Nova Scotia

University Students Build a Tiny House

Funky Tiny Classroom on Wheels

Liberation Tiny House

Pequod Tiny House

Kasl Family Tiny House

Tiny House for Three

Tiny Hall House

Tiny House Built by Architect

Self-Built New Zealand Tiny House

Very First hOMe Plans Customer Finishes Their Build

Tiny House Travelers

Sheri’s Alberta Home

Keep in mind, your inspiration can come from any house you find beautiful or well-designed, not just tiny houses. Anything you see can probably be incorporated into your plans if it’s important to you. I’m always on the lookout for inspiring homes and other tiny houses in-progress, and I’m getting excited for spring so I can get back to construction! 🙂

And, while tiny house reality shows have their issues, they build some beautiful houses:



"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult." - Seneca

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris