Shout-Out to Some Tiny Housers

I recently added a few more links to my blog roll. I’ve been following a few newer tiny housers for quite a while now and finally got around to adding their links.

Check out Tiny Nest, a couple filming an awesomely detailed video series; Room to Spare, a tiny house with a blue roof in Las Vegas; and Tiny Portland, a build that reminds me that other tiny housers are going through the ups and downs of building too!

Along with checking those builds regularly, I’m constantly stumbling across pictures of gorgeous tiny houses and bookmarking them. It’s been a while since I posted some of my bookmarks, so here are a few of the links I’ve saved to my “Inspiration” folder. Some of them are articles, some are Canadian, and all of them are unique. That’s what makes them so interesting!

Tiny House in Nova Scotia

University Students Build a Tiny House

Funky Tiny Classroom on Wheels

Liberation Tiny House

Pequod Tiny House

Kasl Family Tiny House

Tiny House for Three

Tiny Hall House

Tiny House Built by Architect

Self-Built New Zealand Tiny House

Very First hOMe Plans Customer Finishes Their Build

Tiny House Travelers

Sheri’s Alberta Home

Keep in mind, your inspiration can come from any house you find beautiful or well-designed, not just tiny houses. Anything you see can probably be incorporated into your plans if it’s important to you. I’m always on the lookout for inspiring homes and other tiny houses in-progress, and I’m getting excited for spring so I can get back to construction! 🙂

And, while tiny house reality shows have their issues, they build some beautiful houses:


Tiny House Facts & Quotes

I’ve been going through my tiny house bookmarks again (for a reason you’ll find out about hopefully soon). In the miscellaneous folder I rediscovered two links that I want to share.

One is a well-illustrated infographic that sums up the things that are repeated in a lot of tiny house articles:

And two is a list of quotes that are relevant to tiny living:

Small House Quotes for Simple and Sustainable Living

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Favourite Tiny Houses

Alrighty, I saved my favourites for last.

(Note: more of my favourites are in my Blogroll.)

Nothing makes me love a tiny house more than sunlight:

This one really looks like a home, and unlike many tiny houses, it can be rearranged:

I love anything Japanese-inspired. They know how to do simple and elegant:

Japanese ‘Meditation-style’ Zen Tiny House

So bright! And great loft:

This one is probably my favourite favourite right now, just because of the beautiful colour scheme:

That’s it for my bookmarks, finally! Now it’ll be back to my usual rambling 🙂


Well Done!

There are some tiny houses I see that I just want to meet the owner and say, “You did a fabulous job!”

The perfect beach home, and look at that gorgeous walk to the water:

I love simplicity. Wood, white, and a pretty bathroom door:

Simple, with pops of colour, perfect:

Tall Man’s Tiny House

This one reminds me of a bus, but it looks great:

Pocket Shelter

French doors, big windows, nice living room:

200 Sq. Ft. Modern Tiny House on wheels for Sale in Portland, OR

My kind of kitchen, with an island on wheels no less, and a little computer nook:

Debt-free Tiny House Built using SIPs (And How They Built It)

I found this one a while ago and when I visited the blog again, they’d made so much great progress. I love the book storage in the main room and the light wood flooring:

Nothing like white to make a space bright:

And simply lovely:

Not on Wheels

Now there are some tiny houses I like that deserve a mention even though they’re not on wheels.

This one’s just plain awesome:

I love the dresser in the kitchen and the tiny yellow door:

Staying here would be fabulous:

Great use of space and drool worthy shower:

Floating Guest House

I couldn’t pass up this apartment in Paris. Lovely little details:

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"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult." - Seneca

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris